Spring 2022, Berkeley

Approximate genres on this page:

Psych Rock
Psychedelic Stoner Doom
Stoner Rock/Metal
Elegaic Instrumental Rock

Only the older songs are embedded in the site. To hear new ones, you can check the links in the About Page for albums and EPs, yet there are also many singles. You can find all the music at SoundCloud, a smaller amount at Bandcamp, and an even more curated selection at Spotify, Last, Pandora, YouTube, etc.

Click the image to watch my complex, ambitious animated music video on Instagram


Avant-garde psychedelic doom anthem. Soar through the sky above the devastating beauty of this fragile world.

Song reviewed at Stereo Stickman: "Beautiful in its own creatively new, deeply poignant way – refreshingly interesting, and a pleasure to let your mind wander amidst."

Song reviewed at ANRFactory: "'End of Neverending‘ from the wildly talented experimental Berkeley, California-based Avant-Garde Metal/Psychedelic Doom act Sound Animal, is that birds-eye journey to seeing much more than meets the eye to most."

Dystopian album Summer 2022 from Kryrart Records


stoner hive says

what is doom metal?

what is stoner rock/metal?

What is Neo-Psych Music?