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Interview with Dead Air Fresheners



The first song on the album, which is long, is probably the least accessible, though its chaotic destroyed layers are typical: the shrill violinish sounds are pretty intense. But people who like innovative noise music who are put off by…

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Interview with Sigil of Time and Nyrrah about Their Collaboration

                                                                        -- Sigil

This is the beginning of the post up at Cave Dweller Music.

Sound Animal interviews Moscow based experimental electronic/folk/ambient act Sigil of Time and discusses their new collaborative album Piilosanoja with Mirocaw. For this one Sigil has collaborated…

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Interview with Rodion Rosca's Daughter


SA: Hello, Isabella, thank you for kindly agreeing to an interview. I’m honored to be able to ask you some questions about your father and yourself. It’s tragic that Rodion is no longer with you. You must miss him terribly…

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